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Oh My....

ameeza77 Saturday, January 28, 2012 ,

Today I felt so tired, mcm dah tak ader tenaga langsung! After eating 2 bananas, Im ok again, dah boleh senyum :) Well, this is what I have today;

Day 5

I didn't eat proper breakfast today since I have few orders of apam n kek, took 1 red apple n mineral water aje.

Had quite full lunch today, apple, celery, pucuk maman (I dun know its English's name :p), tomatoes, carrots, onion, romaine n drizzle with my leftover apple vinaigrette + oh my, oh my.... my 1st ever tried green juice!

2 bananas + 1/2 red apple

Steam Chickpea :)

Can u find pucuk maman in my salad? The one that look like taugeh!

You can substitutes the ingredients to many others green leafy n veggies such as coriander, mint, spinach, some even put curry leaves, its all depends on ur tekak if u r able to swallow them, as for me, my version was light and it still taste eeiii uk! hahah, the taste was so STRONG! but that was for the 1st time sip aje, then I think the taste was not so bad at all because the ginger n lime was there :)

My Version of Green Juice Detox Recipe
1 green apple
2 stalks celery
3 romaine leaves
about 2 inc ginger
half of lime

Green juice is good because it boost ur healths in so many ways. The chlorophyll helps u cleanse ur liver, balance ur ph by reducing acidity, the antioxidants takes care ur cells and skin and the fiber aids digestion leads u for better berry2 :p

So, whats with the eeeiii uk? When it can gives u so many in return!

Mode ~ plan to juice mango tomorrow :) Another tonic to boost my day!!


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