Alhamdulillah... it's been day 19 today and I have lost 8 kg. I haven't started my cardio thus I guess the weight won't go down so fast. I try to eat healthy as much as I can and still omit sugar, wheat n rice in my diet. Salt tu kadang kala terbabas la juga :p
Today's breakfast I had green juice and watermelon. That would be my typical breakfast menu for time being. Now my stomach starting to growl rock n roll :p, asking for some solid food! Yesterday, I tried to find Quinoa but the price was so expensive, 500gm for rm19, wow! bankrupt la kalau beli. I guess today I just cook veggie soup with some tofu again, boring stuff but insyaAllah will satisfy my stomach.
This is my 12 leaf salad with orange wedges and orange dressing. I bought this salad for rm8 which is quite expensive. But it can be used up to 5-6 servings if u combine with other things such as cucumber, tomatoes, celery n carrot. For the 1st time I tasted different salad leaf n wild rocket tasted the worst! the taste is so rich n peppery! I guess I must really teach my lidah to those leafy herbs :)
nice combination of carrot n grape fruit juice
sekarang ni I ada banyak sgt stock grape fruit in my kitchen. I bought 8 grape fruit for rm10 je. Besar2 pula tu, meme puas hati. When I was in giant yesterday, i saw they sell 1 grape fruit for rm3. Huh! so lucky that mine jatuh rm1.25 only sebiji.
But when stock banyak sgt, dah la tatau nak buat apa with the fruit. Sebab I macam tak boleh handle the sour n bitter of the that grape fruit. Nampak gaye buat juice aje la for the time being :) Meh la share recipes, for those yg tahu apa nak buat with those fruit yer!
But when stock banyak sgt, dah la tatau nak buat apa with the fruit. Sebab I macam tak boleh handle the sour n bitter of the that grape fruit. Nampak gaye buat juice aje la for the time being :) Meh la share recipes, for those yg tahu apa nak buat with those fruit yer!
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